The Sunningdale Centenary, 1900 -2000
Selected extracts from the original publication
The Sunningdale Story compiled by Guy Bennett, Club Secretary 1934 -1939
A short history of Sunningdale Golf Club from its first beginnings.
An extract from Colt & Co, Golf Course Architects, by Fred Hawtree, 1991
Covering the years 1901 – 13 as Sunningdale Secretary
An extract from ‘The Golf Courses of the British Isles’ by Bernard Darwin, 1910
In 1910 Bernard Darwin published his celebrated book, “The Golf Courses of the British Isles” in which there is a chapter on Sunningdale. We have extracted and digitized this chapter, which is attached. The black and white photos were not in the original book but were added for the Sunningdale web site.
The Sunningdale Golf Club, by Bernard Darwin, 1924
Book from Bernard Darwin on Sunningdale Golf Club.
Article on the course changes at Sunningdale.